06 February 2021

Daily Quran & Hadith 06 Feb 2021 (23 Jamadi us Sani 1442)


Surah Yusuf (PBUH) Ayat 73, 74 & 75

English Translation of Al-Quran

[12].Surah Yusuf [Joseph]

Ayat 73. They said: "By Allah! Indeed you know that we came not to make mischief in the land, and we are no thieves!"

Ayat 74. They [Yusuf's (Joseph) men] said: "What then shall be the penalty of him, if you are (proved to be) liars."

Ayat 75. They [Yusuf's (Joseph) brothers] said: "The penalty should be that he, in whose bag it is found, should be held for the punishment (of the crime). Thus we punish the Zalimun (wrong-doers, etc.)!"

Tafseer of Surah Yusuf (PBUH) Ayat 73, 74 & 75. (The brothers) said: "By Allah. well ye know that we came not to make mischief in the land, and we are no thieves!" As strangers in a strange land, they were liable to be suspected as spies or men who meditated some unlawful design, or some crime, such as theft, which would be common in a season of scarcity. The brothers protested against the absurdity of such a suspicion after they had been entertained so royally by the Wazir. 74. (The Egyptians) said: "What then shall be the penalty of this, if ye are (proved) to have lied?"  "That might be all very well," said the Egyptians, "but what if it is found by a search that you have in fact abused the Wazir's hospitality by stealing a valuable cup?" 75. They said: "The penalty should be that he in whose saddle-bag it is found, should be held (as bondman) to atone for the (crime). Thus it is we punish the wrongdoers!" We must try to picture to ourselves the mentality of the ten. They understood each other perfectly, in their sins as well as in other things. For themselves, the search held out no fears. Besides they had had no opportunity of stealing. But what of that young fellow Benjamin? They were ready to believe anything against him, the more so as the Wazir's partiality for him had lent a keen edge to their jealousy. Judging by their own standards, they would not be surprised if he had stolen, seeing that he had had such opportunities — sitting at the High Table and staying with the Wazir. They felt very self-righteous at the same time

that they indulged in the luxury of accusing in their thoughts the most innocent of men! Supposing he had stolen, here would be a fine opportunity of getting rid of him. What about their solemn oath to their father? Oh! that was covered by the exception. He had done for himself. They had done all they could to protect him, but they were powerless. The old man could come and see for himself,  This was their family custom. It was of course long anterior to the Mosaic Law, which laid down full restitution for theft, and if the culprit had nothing, he was to be sold for his theft (Exod. xxii. 3). But here the crime was more than theft. It was theft, lying, and the grossest abuse of confidence and hospitality. While the ten felt a secret satisfaction in suggesting the penalty, they were unconsciously carrying out Joseph's plan. Thus the vilest motives often help in carrying out the most beneficent plans.

Muslim Book 17, Chapter 02, Hadith # 4187

English Translation of Hadith

Hazrat Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: The Quraysh were anxious about a woman from Banu Makhzum who had committed theft and asked : "Who will speak to the Messenger of Allah [SAWW](PBUH) about her?'' Then they said: "No one will be bold enough to do so except Usamah bin Zaid, the (Companion who was) dearly loved by the Messenger of Allah [SAWW](PBUH).'' So Usamah (May Allah be pleased with him) spoke to him and the Messenger of Allah [SAWW](PBUH) (angrily) said, "Are you interceding regarding one of the punishments prescribed by Allah?'' He then got up and delivered an address in which he said, "Indeed what destroyed the people before you was just that when a person of high rank among them committed a theft, they spared him; but if the same crime was done by a poor person they inflicted the prescribed punishment on him. I swear by Allah that if daughter of Muhammad {Messenger of Allah [SAWW](PBUH)} should steal, I would have her hand cut off.'' [Muslim Book 17, Chapter 02, Hadith # 4187].


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